The iron and steel industry is a highly intensive industry, in which the manufacturing of steel involves several inherent risks and hazards. Managing the inherent risks and hazards is a complex and challenging occupational safety and health task, as it involves the protection of not only employees, contractors, stakeholders but also rganizational assets, communities and the surrounding environment.
Our Approach
The Group, as a socially responsible steel corporation, strongly believes that protecting the safety and health of its employees, contractors and other stakeholders, is of utmost importance. The Group practices a hybrid of top-down and bottom-up approach in the management of occupational safety and health (“OSH”).
The Board of Directors has oversight on the safety and health matters of the Group, with the Group Managing Director responsible for reporting safety and health matters to the Board. The Group Managing Director is assisted by the SSC Safety and Health Committee. The SSC Safety and Health Committee consists of safety managers and/or safety officers from all the operating companies in the Group. Such Committee spearheads the safety and health aspects which include but not limited to:
The management and the employees (union and non-union representatives) actively participate in the safety committee meetings conducted every 3 months to check that safety and health matters are managed meticulously. In addition, each operating company is required to update their monthly OSH performance to the Group Managing Director.
The Group believes that obtaining the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification (previously known as OHSAS 18001) is the foundation for pursuing OSH management systematically. The Group adopts the framework of ISO 45001 as a guideline to set up its safety and health framework in the Group.
The Group affirms that clear communication is vital to induce the mindset on priority of safety and health among employees, contractors and other stakeholders at workplace. Our OSH Policy Statement expresses our commitment to provide a safe and healthy working condition and continuously improve the safety and health performance of our workplace.
Our Initiatives
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
In FY2024, SPIM and SSP completed their ISO 45001 stage 1 adequacy audit by certification body, SIRIM QAS. The compliance audit will be held in FY2025. As of now, 67% of the sites in the Group are certified with ISO 45001. Our aim is to have 100% of the sites certified with ISO 45001 in FY2025 and this reflects our persistence in pursuing our duty of care in the health and safety of our people.
OSH Compliance
The Group keeps abreast of the latest legal requirements of safety and health, and works diligently to comply with the requirements.
Risk Management, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
All the operating companies in the Group have established their respective registers, as stated below as part of their compliance to the requirement of ISO 45001 and Department of Occupational Safety and Health (“DOSH”):
The Group applies the same risk management process as described in section 5.1.1 for all the existing operating companies including potential new projects. For chemical health risk assessment, each operating company will appoint a competent CHRA assessor to perform the assessment at an interval of every 5 years.
As part of the risk mitigation, the Safety and Health Committee of the Group has established safety visual standards for common facilities and processes within the Group. The safety officers within the Group conduct an annual audit verification on the implementation of safety visual standards to ensure standardisation of safety and health practices within the Group.
Employee Participation and Engagement
The Group strives to safeguard employees' well-being beyond adhering just to safety regulations. The Group endeavours to instill a culture of total involvement in safety and health by encouraging employee participation and engagement.
The Group encourages its employees to report any potential safety hazard in their workplace by filing a Safety Observation Report (“SOR”). SOR is also used by management during Gemba Walk to communicate and discuss health and safety subjects with the employees. In addition, the employees also contribute and implement safety related Kaizen ideas that further improve the safety and health of their working environment.
SOR and Safety Kaizen
The below shows the results of SOR raised and number of safety Kaizens recorded:
The Group prioritises training as a tool to drive safety and health excellence.
The following are some of the major training programs conducted during the financial year:
Our Performance
The Group’s safety performance is measured and evaluated using Lost Time Incident Rate (“LTIR”).
LTIR = (LTI in the financial year / total work hours of employees) x 200,000
Note: LTI (Lost time injuries) is defined as “any work-related injury or illness that results in an employee being unable to perform their regular duties and requires them to take time off from work”
The Group’s LTIR target is as below:
The chart below shows the LTIR performance of the Group, which covers 100% of the operating companies (sites):
The Group has seen a minor setback from the previous financial year. In FY2024, the Group achieved 1.17 as compared to 0.82 in FY2023. The Group also addressed a regrettable incident involving a fatality in FY2024. This incident served as a reminder of the importance of prioritising safety across all facets of operations.
The Group continues to focus on safety initiatives, such as safety drills, Gemba walks and training to mitigate industrial accidents. The Group will continue to emphasise and encourage employees to participate in identifying and mitigating unsafe conditions and practices in the workplace.
The Group continues to strive to meet our slogan of zero accidents and zero fatalities.