Safety and Health Performance
The Board reviews both the Occupational Safety and Health (“OSH”) compliance and safety risk management. Safety and health matters within the Group are closely monitored by the Group Managing Director, with all levels of management and employees playing an important role in fostering a safe workplace.
The Group adopted ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System as a standard guideline for systematic process of identifying, evaluating and mitigating workplace hazards and 67% of the Group’s operating sites are certified with the ISO 45001 by SIRIM QAS.
The following are our OSH best practices to drive the objectives forward and ensure that our employees and business associates are aligned.
The following series of programs were carried out involving the employees, contractors and vendors as part of the efforts to cultivate a safe and healthy working culture.
a) Training and safety drills were done in order to raise awareness among employees.
b) ‘Safety Day’ program organised by SSB, SSM and SSM C&B Prai involving government bodies, such as Department of Safety and Health, Department of Environment and Social Security Organisation was held to promote awareness on safety and health.
c) Safety trainings on commuting to workplace were conducted by safety officers and head of departments.
d) Safety committee meetings with management and worker representatives discussing and reviewing OSH related matters.
e) Chemical Exposure Hazard training was organised to train employees on how to safely handle chemicals at workplace.
f) Ergonomics training conducted to recognise and evaluate workplace conditions that contribute to musculoskeletal, carpal tunnel syndrome and other nerve disorders.
g) Hearing conservation training was conducted to prevent occupational induced hearing loss among
The chart below shows the Group’s OSH performance for the financial years from 2021 to 2023:
The Group’s safety performance is measured and evaluated using Lost Time Incident Rate (“LTIR”), which covers Lose-Time Injuries (“LTI”) cases in all the operating companies. The LTI records cover cases involving employees and contractors. LTIR is defined as the total amount of LTI in the financial year period, which is divided by the total number of hours worked and then multiplied by 200,000. The Group’s LTIR target is 1.00 and we have seen a significant improvement from previous years. In FY 2023, we have achieved 0.82 as compared to 1.42 in FY 2022. This improvement was mainly due to the continuous efforts made by each operating company. Regular trainings, briefings and skill development programs have shown a positive impact on the Group. We anticipate further improvement in safety performance in the coming years. Our commitment and cohesiveness towards OSH will continue to be an integral part of our sustainability strategy
The Group had implemented the 5S methodology since 2012 as a foundation for a safe and conducive working
environment for the employees. Employee’s momentum towards this direction is supported with continuous
yearly audit by our trained pool of 5S auditors. The findings at the end of each audit were shared, highlighting
both the good practices and efforts while also highlighting the areas for improvement to the auditees.